Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Understanding Gelato

The Italian ice cream known as gelato is part of the Italian culture. It's known to have more sugar than American ice cream but it's healthier because it is made with fresh ingredients like milk rather than fresh cream or butter fat.

For Italians, Gelato is an important part of their culture and usually eaten in the afternoon while taking a stroll (passeggiata) or even as dessert after a meal. When looking to enjoy a nice gelato, it's important to look for gelati artigiani (homemade). When stopping by a gelateria it is common to to see this sign "gelati artigiani" meaning it is made fresh daily but it's not always known to be such; there are things one must consider before entering a gelateria or bar (Cafe') to enusre the quality is of a good one.

If you happen to notice a long line in a gelateria, then it's a good sign their gelato is of good quality  and delicious. Since gelato is made with fresh ingredients and if you happen to notice among the many flavors of gelato, the presence of bright unnatural colors then move on! The primary concern about gelato is taste not color.

When it comes to standing online for gelato, Italians tend to avoid tourists, but if the gelato is good by all means they will scramble their way in line to grab a scoop of that delicious gelato.
Gelato is meant to be consumed on the go but if you decide to sit down at the cafe' or gelateria, make sure your gelato is being served in a metal container rather than a plastic one, this being a sign that the artesan gelato is of top quality.

Happy Gelato!

Photo Credit: Google

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